Sunday, February 21, 2021

Happy for a new day, will have to give thanks for family and friends that are always there in the background, the people that you can not out grow, happy for the connections.

 Hearts To Hold, Joys And Pains, Bumps And Hard Knocks.

Happy for a new day, will have to give thanks for family and friends that are always there in the background, the people that you can not out grow, happy for the connections. Colors everywhere. Never too much. Whispers, kisses, more whispers more kisses. Just Saying."Naw girl, you want that Knigga, you can have him!"Dicks, dawgs, donkeys to date, monkeys. Grits to Kiss Persistence.Charlie Brown.Back In The Day, Bike Rides… Wolves Lives, Winter Views, Wolves In The Wilds.

 Colors everywhere. Never too much. Whispers, kisses, more whispers more kisses. Just Saying."Naw girl, you want that Knigga, you can have him!"Dicks, dawgs, donkeys to date, monkeys. Grits to Kiss Persistence.Charlie Brown.Back In The Day, Bike Rides… Wolves Lives, Winter Views, Wolves In The Wilds.

Happy for a new day, will have to give thanks for family and friends that are always there in the background, the people that you can not out grow, happy for the connections.Thanks For Service, Hands Out To Statements, Skills To Share. Coins Flip, Faces On Rat 

Racers.Red Eyes, Green Frogs, Poison Darts, Rich Shades...Challenge Growths: Rach Jay: 
Rachel Gay Jarrot, Monkey Faces...Cartoon hits, cartoon shows, kids to watch....Stars to 
shine bright, stars out in the darkness, happy tales to share. Bumps in the road, potholes
in the brick roads, trips to hell and back, stars to shine.WATCH out for your surroundings, 
UPGRADE your mindset and keep FOCUS. #Hustle.Back In The Day, Bike Rides… Wolves Lives, Winter Views, Wolves In The Wilds.

Colors everywhere. Never too much. Whispers, kisses, more whispers more kisses. Just Saying."Naw girl, you want that Knigga, you can have him!"Dicks, dawgs, donkeys to date, monkeys. Grits to Kiss Persistence.Charlie Brown.Back In The Day, Bike Rides… Wolves Lives, Winter Views, Wolves In The Wilds.

Thanks For Service, Hands Out To Statements, Skills To Share. Coins Flip, Faces On Rat 
Racers.Red Eyes, Green Frogs, Poison Darts, Rich Shades...Challenge Growths: Rach Jay: 
Rachel Gay Jarrot, Monkey Faces...Cartoon hits, cartoon shows, kids to watch....Stars to 
shine bright, stars out in the darkness, happy tales to share. Bumps in the road, potholes
in the brick roads, trips to hell and back, stars to shine.WATCH out for your surroundings, 
UPGRADE your mindset and keep FOCUS. #Hustle.Back In The Day, Bike Rides… Wolves Lives, Winter Views, Wolves In The Wilds.

Happy for a new day, will have to give thanks for family and friends that are always there in the background, the people that you can not out grow, happy for the connections.

Thanks For Service, Hands Out To Statements, Skills To Share. Coins Flip, Faces On Rat 
Racers.Red Eyes, Green Frogs, Poison Darts, Rich Shades...Challenge Growths: Rach Jay: 
Rachel Gay Jarrot, Monkey Faces...Cartoon hits, cartoon shows, kids to watch....Stars to 
shine bright, stars out in the darkness, happy tales to share. Bumps in the road, potholes
in the brick roads, trips to hell and back, stars to shine.WATCH out for your surroundings, 
UPGRADE your mindset and keep FOCUS. #Hustle.Back In The Day, Bike Rides… Wolves Lives, Winter Views, Wolves In The Wilds.

 Colors everywhere. Never too much. Whispers, kisses, more whispers more kisses. Just Saying."Naw girl, you want that Knigga, you can have him!"Dicks, dawgs, donkeys to date, monkeys. Grits to Kiss Persistence.Charlie Brown.Back In The Day, Bike Rides… Wolves Lives, Winter Views, Wolves In The Wilds.

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Social Media Dogwood. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes you learn, pages in books, recaps to recall.

Winning way, knights to stand, knights to fight to save the day, stars to shine, dances on time, dances for the rites, stories and tales lef...